Syntactic Theory: a formal introduction,
Second Edition
Instructor's Manual

Emily M. Bender, Ivan A. Sag, Thomas Wasow

(c) 2003 CSLI Publications

[Authors] [Textbook Information] [Sample Chapters] [Lecture Notes] [Slides] [Solutions to Problems]


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Textbook Information:

To order or to find out more information about the second edition of the Syntactic Theory textbook, by Sag, Wasow and Bender, please go to its CSLI Publications webpage, which is HERE.

Errata for Sag, Wasow, and Bender (2003)

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Sample Chapters:

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Lecture Notes:

Eventually, we will post lecture notes to help instructors prepare classes covering the material in the second edition of the textbook. These will also include supplemental teaching material.

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Visual displays (slides) are available to accompany lectures on the material in all chapters of the textbook. You can access them HERE.
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If you are interested in obtaining password access to on-line solutions to all the homework problems in the textbook, please email Emily Bender: ebender at u dot washington dot edu. Please note that it is our general policy to only provide the solutions to instructors of courses using our text. If you already have a password, you can access the solutions HERE.
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Instructor's Manual for the First Edition:

The Instructor's Manual for the first edition of Syntactic Theory: A formal introduction is available HERE.
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Last modified: Thu Nov 13 10:02:48 PST 2003